DJI Zenmuse Z3 drone camera with 7x optical zoom launched

The DJI launched Z3 is compatible with the Inspire 1, Matrice 100 and Matrice 600 drones.
DJI Fired at Zenmuse Z3, optimal first integrated camera useless for air still imaging. The camera will provide up to 7X zoom and includes the deviation of the company's technology has been upgraded to work optimally with magnification capabilities. Zenmuse and Z3 is compatible with the inspiration 1, 100 and 600 Matrix Matrix drones. The camera in the price $ 899 and shipping will start from July 28.

DJI announced, a leader in the field of aerial photography company in the world, Thursday Zenmuse Z3, DJI zoom camera for the first optimized air integrated city to capture still images.

Zenmuse Z3 will deliver up to 7x magnification. The camera includes a DJI deflection technology, which has been upgraded for optimal performance with magnification capabilities.

He added that "Zenmuse Z3 pushes the possibilities of use in industrial applications," said product manager Paul pan. "Before this camera, and the only way to zoom in on the subject or the object was to steal closer to her. Now the drivers in case of search and rescue, or to conduct investigations or inspections can keep distance and magnification still sharp and detailed images. "

This zoom camera and aims to provide new capabilities for industrial applications such as inspection and investigation.

Zenmuse and Z3 is compatible with the inspiration 1, 100 and 600 drones Matrix Matrix HD and uses a business down and personalized video Lightbridge Lightbridge 2, providing up to 3.1 miles (5.0 km) of HD gaming transmission.

Were merged completely Zenmuse Z3 in DJI GO app provides a seamless user experience, including a live broadcast of the camera and the ability to change the camera settings, criticism of zooming in and out, take photos or video and activate smart Aviation liquid. Users can also choose to use the camera controls, such as image and video capture and zoom through without their own unmanned remote.

Zenmuse Z3 and weighs 262 grams and reaches up to a magnification 7X optical zoom through 3.5X, with 2x digital zoom. This gives Zenmuse Z3 range of effective zoom of 22mm to 77 mm. It has a maximum aperture of F2.8 and F5.2 in 22 mm and 77 mm respectively.

When the camera zooms in, more and more small movements. Add an extra layer to refine the control of Yao Z3 is a reaction wheel is specially designed. This works in conjunction with the normal Yao engine for movement and control of more stability and lot more accurate.

Zenmuse and Z3 is characterized by the same Sony 1 / 2.3 inch sensor refined found inspiration 1 and 4 Phantom, leading picture quality class. They can shoot still images at 12 megapixels with additional support Adobe DNG first for maximum editing options in post-production. The fire also called a video camera at speeds up to 30 fps in 4K resolution.

Flight time with Zenmuse Z3 is 19 minutes to inspire 1. pilots could trigger up to 30 minute time period with double M100 battery Otsal 39 minutes are equipped with the M600.

The price of Zenmuse Z3 to USD899, will begin delivery after July 28, 2016.

2016 Funny Things to Ask Siri

Funny Things to Ask Siri (2016)

Siri Greetings

  • Good morning
  • Good afternoon
  • Good night
  • What’s up?
  • How are you?
  • Merry Christmas
  • Happy Birthday

Personal Questions to ask Siri

Get to know your digital personal assistant! Here are some person questions to ask Siri.
  • Tell me a bit about yourself
  • What are you made of?
  • Who is Siri?
  • What are you?
  • Where are you?
  • Where do you live?
  • How are you?
  • What are you wearing?
  • Will you marry me?
  • How old are you?
  • Where are you from?
  • What is your Mom’s name?
  • Why did Apple make you?
  • Do you have any pets?
  • Are you human?
  • Are you alive?
  • Are you intelligent?
  • Are you naked?
  • What’s your problem?
  • When is your birthday?
  • Who made you?
  • What’s new?
  • How’s it going?
  • Are you male or female?
  • Who is your daddy?
  • How much do you cost?
  • How much do you weigh?
  • Are you a virgin?
  • Can you sing?
  • What’s your religion?
  • Do you sleep?
  • Where do you live?

Ask Siri About Her Likes and Dislikes

  • What is the best phone?
  • What is the best computer?
  • What is the best web browser?
  • What is your favorite movie?
  • What is your favorite drink?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • What is your favorite animal
  • Who is your favorite person?
  • Who is your least favorite person?
  • Who is the best assistant?
  • Do you like chocolate?

Siri Jokes

Siri got jokes! Here are a few of them.
  • Tell me a joke
  • Knock knock
  • Who’s on first?
  • What does the fox say?
  • Why did the chicken cross the road?

Ask the Siri App Questions About Life

Siri is very knowledgeable. Ask her the questions below and you will agree!
  • What is the meaning of life?
  • Is there a God?
  • Where do babies come from?
  • What’s the secret of the universe?
  • Why am I here?
  • When will the world end?

It’s all About You, Isn’t It?

When you are done asking Siri personal questions, ask her about you.
  • What is my name?
  • What am I thinking?
  • Do you think I’m attractive?
  • Do I look good in this dress?
  • How old am I?
  • I have a gambling addiction
  • I am tired
  • I can’t sleep
  • I’m depressed
  • I am angry
  • I am lonely
  • What’s wrong with me?
  • I have a gambling addiction
  • What should I have been for Halloween?
  • Why am I single?
  • Call me tech ranker
  • Can we go on a date?
  • Will you be my girlfriend?
  • Will you make love to me?
  • Will you marry me?
  • Are you cheating on me?
  • Do these jeans make me look fat?
  • Make me a sandwich
  • I think I’m drunk
  • Can I borrow some money?
  • Ask me a question
  • Mirror mirror on the wall
  • Where did i put my keys?

Compliment Siri

Everyone loves compliments. Siri is no exception.
  • I like you
  • I love you
  • You’re funny
  • You’re smart
  • You look sexy
  • You are beautiful
  • I think you’re hot

Insult Siri

Tech Ranker doesn’t condone insulting your personal assistant but I’m sure Siri can handle it. Check out these insults!
  • You should go on a diet
  • You are boring
  • Shut up
  • I hate you
  • Are you Stupid?
  • You are an idiot
  • You’re a loser
  • Get a job
  • Get a life
  • Screw you

Siri App Random Requests

Siri can handle a ton of requests, including these odd ones.
  • Take me to your leader
  • Tell me a story
  • Can I have some money?
  • Do you want to go on a date?
  • Do you want to make out?
  • Talk dirty to me
  • Will you marry me?
  • Can you be my designated driver?
  • Take a picture
  • Tell me something good
  • Make me a sandwich
  • Play a good song
  • Find me some hookers
  • Testing 123
  • Testing Testing
  • Testing Testing Testing

Random Questions to ask Siri

Here are some random funny things to say to Siri. Care to guess which tablet Siri favors?
  • What are you doing later?
  • Guess what?
  • Who is Eliza?
  • Ha ha ha
  • What does the fox say?
  • How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  • Do you love me?
  • Which is the best tablet?
  • What is the best computer?
  • Do you want to play a game?
  • Is it going to rain?
  • Remind me to kill myself tomorrow
  • What is the best phone?
  • What do you think of Google Now
  • What do you think of Cortana?
  • What do you think of Android?
  • Why are fire trucks red?
  • Will pigs fly?
  • How do you spell Supercalafajalistickexpialadojus?
  • Repeat after me
  • Blah blah blah
  • Thank you
  • Is there a Santa Claus?
  • OK glass
  • LOL


Here are some cool movie references. Please share some you have discovered!
  • Beam me up, Scotty!
  • Open the pod bay doors, HAL (request this several times)
  • Do you know HAL 9000
  • What is 2001 a Space Odyssey about?
  • What is the movie Memento about?
  • What is the move Inception about?
  • What is your favorite movie?
  • Hello Jarvis

iPhone 6 Plus Pros and Cons

iPhone 6 Plus Pros

  • It has a big beautiful screen.  Not only is it large, it’s also sharp and bright.  Photos and videos look great on the iPhone 6 Plus.
  • It’s light and thin.  Everyone I handed my iPhone 6 Plus to said that they expected the device to be heavier.  The phone is quite light and thin for its size.
  • Great camera and related features.  The iPhone 5s already had a great camera.  The 6 Plus improved on it a bit with its new features.  These features include super fast autofocus, optical image stabilization (OIS), 1080HD video recording at 60fps, and 240 fps slow motion video recording.  The 6 Plus may very well replace your dedicated point and shoot camera.
  • All day battery life.  The best reason to get the 6 Plus over all other iPhones is its all day battery life.  The bigger device includes a bigger battery that lasts well into the next day.
  • There’s more storage on the upgraded models.  To get additional storage on previous iPhones, you had to pay $100-$200 extra to increase your storage to 32GB-64GB respectively.  With the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, the extra cash now gets you 64GB-128GB instead.  While I would prefer an SD expansion slot over paying a premium for additional storage, at least the iPhone 6 gives you more storage for the money than it did in the past.
  • Touch ID is one of my favorite features of the 6 Plus.  This allows you to unlock your phone and authorize purchases using merely your fingerprint.  In my experience, Touch ID works 99% of the time.  No other smartphone on the market has implemented a fingerprint reader that works as well as Touch ID.
  • Accurate speech recognition. The iPhone 6 allows you to compose messages speaking to it.  Its speech recognition is very accurate.  In a couple weeks of using the feature, I have found that it rarely makes a mistake.
  • Predictive typing.  When composing messages with the on-screen keyboard, the iPhone 6 predicts what you are going to type next.  It learns over time what words you use and allows you to quickly select the word instead of typing it out.  Since I often send the same messages to my wife, the iPhone accurately predicts the right words I want to send to her.
  • Fast performance.  I have yet to notice any slow down in using the iPhone 6 Plus or iOS 8. Launching most apps and games appears to be faster on the 6 Plus than with previous iPhones.
  • Landscape apps.  When holding the 6 Plus in landscape, some apps take advantage of the extra screen size to display alternate views.  For instance, the messaging app displays a larger keyboard with additional buttons available when the 6 Plus is held in landscape.

  • iPhone 6 Plus Cons

  • Will it bend?  Shortly after the iPhone 6 Plus released, a YouTube video was released showing how the iPhone 6 Plus could be bended with bare hands.  Apple has since stated that bent 6 Pluses are extremely rare. The YouTube author has also acknowledged that a considerable amount of force is required to bend the 6 Plus.  Is this a big problem?  We’ll have to see over time how many people experience bent iPhone 6 Pluses.
  • The 6 Plus is a bit on the slippery side.  If you are not careful, you could easily drop it.  I suggest getting a case to make this less of a possibility.
  • One hand operation may be a chore for folks that are accustomed to using the smaller iPhones.  While I insist that big phones are much more useful than smaller ones, I recognize that many people feel that a big phone is a con.
  • Camera supports only 8MP.  The iPhone 6 Plus takes great photos, yet its camera supports far fewer pixels than other flagship phones.  Some smartphones support up to 20MP photos.  This shouldn’t affect most people.  However, if you care about having the best specs, the 8MP camera is at a disadvantage when compared to other phones.
  • No 4K video recording.  Other flagship smartphones are offering this capability while the 6 Plus is limited to 1080p video recording.  I don’t consider this a big con however since 4K monitors have not really caught on yet.  Thus, relatively few people can view 4K content.
  • The Camera lens protrudes from the body.  This makes the optics more susceptible to getting bumped, snagged, or damaged.  I suggest getting a case to protect the lens.
  • At Launch, many apps are not optimized for the large screen size.  Thus you may experience some scaling issues and fuzziness.  This will certainly be resolved over time but in the near term, your favorite apps may look bad on the 6 Plus.
  • The built-in keyboard doesn’t leverage the increased screen size of the 6 Plus while in portrait mode.  I’d like to see additional buttons added, such as a period or comma.  There should be a row a buttons for numbers.  I’d also like to see alternate characters added to the letter buttons for easier access, via a long press.  My Galaxy Note 2 from two years ago already has all of these features.
  • The lack of “back button” will annoy those coming from Android.  Navigating apps can be a chore since there is no dedicated back button.  While swiping from the left in some internal apps gives you the same functionality, it doesn’t work consistently enough to replace a dedicated back button.
  • The iPhone 6 still lacks widget support on the home screen.  Widgets provide convenient access to data and functionality.  They have been available on Android for years.  I’m really puzzled by why this still hasn’t been implemented in iOS.
  • It doesn’t run iPad apps.  Perhaps Apple should create a new category of apps to take advantage of the larger screen.  Until that happens, it would have been nice to be able to run iPad apps on the 6 Plus.  For now, the 6 Plus is mostly a large iPhone, with few apps taking advantage of its larger screen.
  • No SD Card slot.  To expand the storage, you have to pay either an extra $100 or $200 for 64GB or 128GB.  In contrast, many Android phones have an SD card slot. So when I buy a new Android phone, I can expand its storage by using the SD card I purchased several years ago.
  • The NFC functionality only works with Apple Pay.  Unless you plan to use Apple Pay, you can basically state that the iPhone still does not support NFC since you cannot use it for any other purpose.
  • Is it just me or does the ring/silent switch move around when the 6 Plus is in my pocket.  I missed a couple calls in the past week because I mistakenly switched the phone to silent.  I hope this gets prevented by adding a case to the phone.
  • The iPhone 6 Plus doesn’t offer much that hasn’t been available on Android for years.  With the iPhone 6, Apple is playing catch-up more than it’s innovating.  This isn’t necessarily a bad thing but it’s worth pointing out.

"Pros and Cons" Samsung Galaxy Note 5

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Pros and Cons

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Pros

  • Big, gorgeous 5.7-inch display. Samsung makes the best smartphone screens and the Note 5’s screen is no different. It’s sharp, bright, and can be used in direct sunlight.
  • Great looking design. Glass backing and metal around the edges makes the Note 5 look like a premium phone.
  • The best camera available on any smartphone. The Note 5 shares the same camera as the Galaxy S6 which has been recognized as the best camera on a smartphone.
  • Top of the line specs and performance. I have yet to experience lag on this thing.
  • Fast wireless charging. Fast wired charging too!
  • S Pen support. When you pull out the pen, you can immediately start writing on the screen, without explicitly turning on the phone. This one change alone increased my pen usage by 1,000%!
  • 4GBs of RAM. This comes in handy if you are the type that doesn’t frequently clean up your running apps.
  • Multi Window Function. I don’t use this much myself but it’s nice to have.
  • Accurate fingerprint sensor. To ensure accuracy, make sure that you place your entire thumb on the sensor during the initial setup.
  • Physical home button. Makes it easier to locate, in my opinion.
  • Quick launch camera. Double press the home button and your are ready to record photos and video.
  • Nice, loud ear piece and speaker. Calls can be heard loud and clear.
  • Changeable themes. You can easily change the look of the interface with some cool selectable themes.
  • Live YouTube Streaming. This is an awesome capability.
  • Keyboard Case accessory! Haven’t tried it but it looks cool.
  • Samsung Pay. If you like paying for stuff with your phone, you will have that option with the Note 5 (unless you are on Verizon!).

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Cons

  • No MicroSD Card Slot. To expand the storage, your only option is to pay an extra $100 for the 64GB version of the phone. You won’t be able to use an SD card that you already own. Some may find getting files into their Note 5 to be a hassle.
  • No 128GB storage option. Since the Galaxy Note 5 lacks a MicroSD card slot, it would have been nice to have an option for 128GB internal storage. Since it has such a great camera, the extra storage would come in handy.
  • Expensive. With Motorola releasing flagship phones at half the price, coupled with carriers dumping subsidized phones, Samsung may face some significant headwinds with its pricey phones.
  • Fragile. Glass on the front and back means double the chance of breaking the glass on your phone. Make sure you protect your Note 5 with a phone case!
  • Battery is only 3000mAh. Considering its screen size, resolution, and powerful processor, the Note 5’s battery may seem small to some. I almost always make it through one day of use.
  • Battery is non-removable. Some power users will miss being able to swap in fresh batteries. However, the Note 5’s fast charging capability may make up for the lack of a removable battery.
  • It’s tall and narrow. It’s nice having a large screen but that extra screen real estate is accomplished by making the phone taller and not wider. While this may help with one handed operation, you really don’t get the sense that you have a tablet sized phone. I much prefer width of the original Galaxy Note.
  • Maybe too big for some. You should definitely handle the Note 5 before you buy it to make sure the size is OK for you.
  • No USB type C support. It would have been nice to see the new USB standard supported on this device but this is definitely a minor con.
  • Not dual sim. Another feature you’d like to see on a flagship phone is not available with the Note 5.
  • Not waterproof. Perhaps a waterproof model will be released at some point. For now, don’t get your Note 5 too wet!
  • No Infra-Red Blaster. It would have been nice to see this feature return to the Note 5. I would have liked using the phone as a universal remote. Oh well.
  • No “Moto Apps” style voice functionality. My Droid Turbo features caller ID announcement, the ability to accept or reject incoming calls with my voice, and the ability to hear and respond to text messages without touching my phone. It would be nice if the Note 5 have these features. I like the Note 5 but I absolutely miss these features.
  • Retrieving the S pen is slower now than in the past. Plus, if you put the pen in wrong, you will ruin your phone.

Best Windows Tablet Comparison

Best Windows Tablet Comparison 

To help you decide which Windows Tablet to buy, I have create the Best Windows Tablet comparison chart. This chart was put together to provide those in the market for a Windows based tablet with succinct analysis and advice to support an informed buying decisions. 

This chart was put together using a variety of sources such as the Microsoft Store, Amazon, and the manufacturers’ own websites. The chart contains Windows Tablet prices, specs, and differentiating features. The chart also contains useful information such as which Windows tablets come with a dock, keyboard, or stylus digitizer pen, which answers some of our frequently asked questions. The tablets listed are compatible with both Windows 10 and Windows 8.1.

Our Windows Tablet PC comparison chart will be continuously updated. If you would like to submit additions or corrections, please use the comments section below. More tablets are coming soon! Check this page often for upcoming tablets, new Windows Tablet reviews, and exclusive Microsoft Store deals!

Best Windows Tablet PC Comparison Chart (2016)

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 
Pros: Optional keyboard case, kickstand, stylus included, Intel Core CPU.
Cons: Big for a tablet. Real-world battery life could be better.
Bottom Line: Simply the best Windows Tablet currently available.
OS, CPU, & GHzRam, Storage, & DisplayPortsMisc.
Win 8.1 Pro 64-bit
Intel Core i3, i5, or i7
2.0 Ghz
4GB-8GB Ram
64GB-512GB SSD
12″ – 2160 x 1440
Full Size USB 3.0
Micro SD
Mini DisplayPort
Camera (F/R): 5MP/5MP
Battery Life: 9 hrs
11.5 x 7.93 x 0.36 in, 1.76 lbs

Microsoft Surface 3 
Pros: Optional keyboard case, kickstand, optional stylus.
Cons: Performance isn’t great. A bit heavy.
Bottom Line: The next best option after the more expensive Surface Pro 3.
OS, CPU, & GHzRam, Storage, & DisplayPortsMisc.
Win 8.1 Pro 64-bit
Intel Core i3, i5, or i7
2.0 Ghz
2GB-4GB Ram
64GB-128GB SSD
10.8″ – 1920 x 1280
Full Size USB 3.0
Micro SD
Mini DisplayPort
Camera (F/R): 3.5MP/8MP
Battery Life: 10 hrs
10.52 x 7.36 x 0.34 in, 1.37 lbs

Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro-1370  
Pros: Keyboard dock, high rez screen, Intel Core CPU.
Cons: Big for a tablet. Real-world battery life could be better.
Bottom Line: Good big tablet alternative to the Surface Pro 3.
OS, CPU, & GHzRam, Storage, & DisplayPortsMisc.
Win 8.1 Pro 64-bit
Intel Core i3, i5, or i7
2.0 Ghz
8GB Ram
256GB-512GB SSD
13.1″ – 3200 x 1800
Full Size USB 3.0
Micro SD
Micro HDMI
Camera (F): 720p
Battery Life: 9 hrs
12.99 x 8.98 x 0.50 in, 2.60 lbs

Asus Transformer Book T300 Chi
Pros: Keyboard dock, Intel Core CPU.
Cons: Big for a tablet. Real-world battery life could be better.
Bottom Line: Good mid-range 2 in 1 PC
OS, CPU, & GHzRam, Storage, & DisplayPortsMisc.
Win 8.1 Pro 64-bit
Intel Core i3, i5, or i7
2.0 Ghz
4GB Ram
12.5″ – 1920 x 1080
Micro USB 3.0
Micro SD
Micro HDMI
Camera (F): 2MP
Battery Life: 8 hrs
12.51 x 7.54 x 0.29 in, 1.76 lbs

Lenovo ThinkPad 10 
Pros: Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit, optional stylus and keyboard, NFC, optional 3G/4G
Cons: Atom processor provides less performance than the Surface Pro 3 Intel Core processors
Bottom Line: A good alternative to the Surface Pro 3 if you don’t need Intel Core performance.
OS, CPU, & GHzRam, Storage, & DisplayPortsMisc.
Win 8.1 Pro 64-bit
Intel Atom Z3795
1.6 Ghz
2GB-4GB Ram
64GB-128GB eMMC
10.1″ – 1920 x 1200
Micro USB
Micro SD
Camera: Front 2MP, Rear 8MP
Battery Life: 10 hrs
10.09 x 6.96 x 0.35 in, 1.31 lbs

Acer Iconia W4 
Pros: MS Office, HDMI out, optional keyboard case, nice screen, physical start button
Cons: No stylus support
Bottom Line: My top 8″ tablet choice has a nice screen, good performance, and includes MS Office.
OS, CPU, & GHzRam, Storage, & DisplayPortsMisc.
Windows 8.1 32-bit
Intel Atom Z3740
1.33 GHz
2GB Ram
8″ – 1280 x 800
Micro USB
Micro SD
Camera: Front 2MP, Rear 5MP
Battery Life: 8 hrs
8.62 x 5.31 x 0.42 in, 0.91 lbs

Asus VivoTab Note 8
Pros: MS Office, some models include a Stylus pen, solid build, good performance
Cons: I found the screen to be a tad bit less responsive than the Acer Iconia W4
Bottom Line: My #2 8″ tablet choice has a stylus pen and includes MS Office.
OS, CPU, & GHzRam, Storage, & DisplayPortsMisc.
Windows 8.1 32-bit
Intel Atom Z3740
1.33 GHz
2GB Ram
8″ – 1280 x 800
Micro USB
Micro SD
Stylus Pen Port
Camera: Front 1.2MP, Rear 5MP
Battery Life: 8 hrs
8.70 x 5.20 x 0.40 in, 0.85 lbs

Dell Venue 8 Pro
Pros: MS Office, good performance, optional stylus, keyboard, and dock
Cons: Reported issues with the stylus pen
Bottom Line: A year old, yet still a good option for 8″ Windows Tablets.
OS, CPU, & GHzRam, Storage, & DisplayPortsMisc.
Windows 8.1 32-bit
Intel Atom Z3740D
1.8 GHz
2GB Ram
8″ – 1280 x 800
Micro USB
Micro SD
Camera: Front 1.2MP, Rear 5MP
Battery Life: 8 hrs
8.50 x 5.12 x 0.35 in, 0.87 lbs

ASUS Transformer Book T200
Pros: Very nice keyboard, solid detachable hinge, extra hard drive bay, LAN port
Cons: Value proposition less than similarly priced laptops. Relatively low resolution
Bottom Line: Very nice hybrid if you can get it cheap. For $500, a laptop is better.
OS, CPU, & GHzRam, Storage, & DisplayPortsMisc.
Windows 8.1 32-bit
Instel Baytrail T Z3795
1.59 Ghz
2GB-4GB Ram
11.6″ – 1366 x 768
Micro USB, USB 3.0
Micro SD
Micro HDMI
Camera: Front 2MP, Rear 5MP
Battery Life: 8.5 hrs
12.0 x 7.9 x 1.0, 3.6 lbs

ASUS Transformer Book T100
Pros: Great value, long battery life, includes MS Office and keyboard dock
Cons: Small keyboard, slow battery charging, no rear facing camera
Bottom Line: Cheap 2-in-1 device that is well worth the few compromises.
OS, CPU, & GHzRam, Storage, & DisplayPortsMisc.
Windows 8.1 32-bit
Intel Atom Z3740
2GB Ram
8″ – 1366 x 768
Micro USB
Micro SD
Micro HDMI
Camera: Front 1.2MP
Battery Life: 11 hrs
10.4 x 6.7 x 0.41 in, 1.2 lbs

HP Stream 8
Pros: Low price, solid build quality, 4G enabled, free data
Cons: Only 1GB of ram, small amount of useable storage
Bottom Line: It’s not a powerhouse, but it’s cheap and includes free 4G data!
OS, CPU, & GHzRam, Storage, & DisplayPortsMisc.
Windows 8.1 32-bit
Intel Atom Z3735G
1.83 Ghz
1GB Ram
8″ – 1280 x 800
Micro USB
Micro SD
Camera: Front 2MP, Rear 5MP
Battery Life: 6.5 hrs
8.23 x 4.88 x 0.35 in, 0.90 lbs

HP Stream 7
Pros: The cheapest Windows Tablet available
Cons: Only 1GB of ram, small amount of useable storage
Bottom Line: It’s a good value but I’d get the HP Stream 8 instead.
OS, CPU, & GHzRam, Storage, & DisplayPortsMisc.
Windows 8.1 32-bit
Intel Atom Z3735G
1.83 Ghz
1GB Ram
8″ – 1280 x 800
Micro USB
Micro SD
Camera: Front 0.3MP, Rear 2MP
Battery Life: 8 hrs
7.59 x 4.36 x 0.39 in, 0.78 lbs

Toshiba Encore 8
Pros: One of the cheapest Windows Tablet available
Cons: Only 1GB of ram, small amount of useable storage. Office 365 instead of Full MS Office
Bottom Line:
OS, CPU, & GHzRam, Storage, & DisplayPortsMisc.
Windows 8.1 32-bit
Intel Atom Z3735G
1.4 Ghz
1GB Ram
8″ – 1280 x 800
Micro USB
Micro SD
Micro HDMI (some models)
Camera: Front 1.2MP, Rear 5MP
Battery Life: 11 hrs
8.30 x 5.20 x 0.37 in, 0.84 lbs

Winbook TW802
Pros: Cheap. Full size USB port. Micro HDMI
Cons: Short battery life. Tiny 16GB storage on some models
Bottom Line: Good cheap Windows Tablet.  Make sure you get the 2G/32GB model.
OS, CPU, & GHzRam, Storage, & DisplayPortsMisc.
Windows 8.1 32-bit
Intel Baytrail-T Z3735F
1.33 Ghz
1GB-2GB Ram
16GB-32GB eMMC
8″ – 1280 x 800
Micro HDMI
Micro USB
Micro SD
Camera: Front 2MP, Rear 2MP
Battery Life: 5 hrs
7.44 x 0.43 x 4.76 in, 0.89 lbs

Dragon Touch I8
Pros: The cheapest Windows Tablet available
Cons: Only 1GB of ram, Tiny 16GB storage
Bottom Line: Decent cheap Windows tablet but with tiny storage
OS, CPU, & GHzRam, Storage, & DisplayPortsMisc.
Windows 8.1 32-bit
Intel Atom Z3735G
1.83 Ghz
1GB Ram
8″ – 1280 x 800
Micro HDMI
Micro USB
Micro SD
Camera: Front 2MP, Rear 2MPBattery Life: 8 hrs8.50 x 5.20 x 0.50 in, 0.63 lbs
Fourni par Blogger.